Here’s What Realtors Should be Doing During Slow Periods

Part of being a real estate agent is dealing with the ups and downs of the market. In some cases, it doesn’t matter what you do; sales will be slower. However, these slow periods can be just what you need to come back even stronger. Not only will this help maintain your momentum, but you’ll also learn some new things.

So, today we’ll discuss what real estate agents should be doing during slow periods. Read over each tip carefully and use them to construct a contingency plan for when you need it.

Hone in on Skills

Take a break from your desk and find a comfortable place to read a good book. It can be related to real estate or self-improvement in general. Actually, you should make it a habit to read these types of books and blogs regularly. The more you grow as a student of the industry, the faster you’ll be recognized as an expert in it.

Another option is attending a conference or taking a class. Between October and March, you’ll find many specialty real estate conferences around the country. Since these tend to be among the slowest months, take advantage and travel to a new place. It’s rare to have the chance to take a trip where you can focus on yourself personally and professionally.

If you have no time or budget to attend conferences that are far away or span multiple days, check into webinars and online or local classes on topics of your interest. The key to this step is to educate yourself and work towards becoming a more well-rounded realtor as a result.

Analyze Your Website

If you’ve been busy selling homes, then you probably haven’t had the time to analyze your website since it launched. Don’t worry – you’re not alone; every agent needs to give their site a little TLC every now and then.

During this time, be sure to test every function, link, and page on your website to ensure that they are loading properly and quickly. You’ll also want to read through all of the text as you do this to look for grammar, spelling, and other mistakes. If you don’t have the time or know how, then hire a real estate website manager to do that.

Carefully read your “About Me” page. Has anything changed in your life that you can add? Have you earned any awards or recognitions? Include your latest sales numbers and an updated photo if possible.

Analyze your site’s analytics and see which pages are getting traffic and which ones are not. The other thing to check out is which pages visitors left the fastest. In today’s world, it’s worth considering adding AI or automated bots to help with buyer and seller inquiries. These systems work well and can increase the amount of time clients spend on your site, which is excellent for search engines and traffic!

Take Time for Yourself

After busy periods, it’s important to take time to recharge. Schedule a mini-vacation, spend a day at the spa, or simply host a happy hour at your home. Regardless of what you decide to do, don’t feel guilty about taking a break.

So, when your local real estate market slows, spend the time recharging your body and spirit while also bettering yourself as a realtor. Doing so will make you come back strong and could just put you on top!